Int or Number DataType for DataAnnotation validation attribute

Antonin Jelinek picture Antonin Jelinek · Jan 27, 2011 · Viewed 234.3k times · Source

On my MVC3 project, I store score prediction for football/soccer/hockey/... sport game. So one of properties of my prediction class looks like this:

[Range(0, 15, ErrorMessage = "Can only be between 0 .. 15")]
[StringLength(2, ErrorMessage = "Max 2 digits")]
[Remote("PredictionOK", "Predict", ErrorMessage = "Prediction can only be a number in range 0 .. 15")]
public int? HomeTeamPrediction { get; set; }

Now, I need also change error message for a data type, int in my case. There is some default one used - "The field HomeTeamPrediction must be a number.". Need to find a way how to change this error message. This validation message also seem to take prediction for Remote validation one.

I've tried [DataType] attribute but this does not seem to be plain number in system.componentmodel.dataannotations.datatype enumeration.


Dilip0165 picture Dilip0165 · Jun 18, 2013

For any number validation you have to use different different range validation as per your requirements :

For Integer

[Range(0, int.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "Please enter valid integer Number")]

for float

[Range(0, float.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "Please enter valid float Number")]

for double

[Range(0, double.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "Please enter valid doubleNumber")]