I am a bit confused with customizing UserManager and UserStore. Out of the box solution comes with EF implementation and i don't want to use EF but my own DAL that uses MSSQL. I want to have Claims based security where one of the users Claims will be roles.
What i am confused with is the overall process i should do. From what i undestand so far is that i need to make my own
CustomApplicationUser : IUser
CustomUserManager : UserManager<CustomApplicationUser>
CustomUserStore : IUserStore, IUserClaimStore
It seems a bit confusing for me and i can't seem to find some clear documentation about it so if anyone could shed a bit of light on it i would highly appreciate it!
Instead of just copying I will just point you to following article: Overview of Custom Storage Providers for ASP.NET Identity.
Take a look at this, it should give you nice overview of how identity works in ASP.NET. It's also good for choosing what you want to override and customize in your application.