Encrypted configuration in ASP.NET Core

Ovi picture Ovi · Mar 17, 2016 · Viewed 48.9k times · Source

With web.config going away, what is the preferred way to store sensitive info (passwords, tokens) in the configurations of a web app built using ASP.NET Core?

Is there a way to automatically get encrypted configuration sections in appsettings.json?


Luca Ghersi picture Luca Ghersi · Mar 17, 2016

User secrets looks like a good solution for storing passwords, and, generally, application secrets, at least during development.

Check the official Microsoft documentation. You can also review this other SO question.

This is just a way to "hide" your secrets during development process and to avoid disclosing them into the source tree; the Secret Manager tool does not encrypt the stored secrets and should not be treated as a trusted store.

If you want to bring an encrypted appsettings.json to production, you can do so by building a custom configuration provider.

For example:

public class CustomConfigProvider : ConfigurationProvider, IConfigurationSource
    public CustomConfigProvider()

    public override void Load()
        Data = UnencryptMyConfiguration();

    private IDictionary<string, string> UnencryptMyConfiguration()
        // do whatever you need to do here, for example load the file and unencrypt key by key
       var configValues = new Dictionary<string, string>
            {"key1", "unencryptedValue1"},
            {"key2", "unencryptedValue2"}
       return configValues;

    private IDictionary<string, string> CreateAndSaveDefaultValues(IDictionary<string, string> defaultDictionary)
        var configValues = new Dictionary<string, string>
            {"key1", "encryptedValue1"},
            {"key2", "encryptedValue2"}
        return configValues;                

    public IConfigurationProvider Build(IConfigurationBuilder builder)
       return new CustomConfigProvider();

Define a static class for your extension method:

public static class CustomConfigProviderExtensions
        public static IConfigurationBuilder AddEncryptedProvider(this IConfigurationBuilder builder)
            return builder.Add(new CustomConfigProvider());

And then you can activate it:

// Set up configuration sources.
var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
    .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{env.EnvironmentName}.json", optional: true);