Could somebody show me how you would go about creating a mock HTML Helper with Moq?
This article has a link to an article claiming to describe this, but following the link only returns an ASP.NET Runtime Error
[edit] I asked a more specific question related to the same subject here, but it hasn't gotten any responses. I figured it was too specific, so I thought I could get a more general answer to a more general question and modify it to meet my requirements.
Here's another article that shows you how to achieve the same thing:
public static HtmlHelper CreateHtmlHelper(ViewDataDictionary vd) { var mockViewContext = new Mock<ViewContext>( new ControllerContext( new Mock<HttpContextBase>().Object, new RouteData(), new Mock<ControllerBase>().Object), new Mock<IView>().Object, vd, new TempDataDictionary()); var mockViewDataContainer = new Mock<IViewDataContainer>(); mockViewDataContainer.Setup(v => v.ViewData).Returns(vd); return new HtmlHelper(mockViewContext.Object, mockViewDataContainer.Object); }