Where to find Kendo.Mvc.Examples.Models

user3043883 picture user3043883 · Dec 30, 2013 · Viewed 8.4k times · Source

I am trying to create a kendo schedular but you need to pass in a model. In the examples it tells you to use

@(Html.Kendo().Scheduler< Kendo.Mvc.Examples.Models.Scheduler.TaskViewModel>())

But of course I don't have this view model. Can someone tel me where I can find it? I have been looking for over 5 hours now. please help


Kevin Babcock picture Kevin Babcock · Dec 30, 2013

The models referenced in the KendoUI for ASP.NET MVC examples are not part of the Kendo.Mvc.dll assembly. Instead, you must download them from your Telerik account. Go to telerik.com and sign in. From there, navigate to your Products & Subscriptions and locate "KendoUI for ASP.NET MVC" and select "Browse all product files". Download the "Manual Installation" file and unzip it.

enter image description here

You'll find the examples (and the referenced models) in the wrappers\aspnetmvc\Examples folder.

enter image description here

If you want to reference the models in your project, just grab a copy of the compiled assembly Kendo.Mvc.Examples.dll from the bin folder of the example project. Keep in mind this will include everything from the examples (controllers, models, view-models, etc.).

I hope that helps.