Kendo Grid Automatically changing Timezone

Raju S Nair picture Raju S Nair · Sep 23, 2013 · Viewed 10.8k times · Source

On my Kendo Grid I recieve date time from server. On the client end, this time is changed to client's timezone and that is displayed. How can I show the same time from the server to the client.

the following is my kendo code for binding the datetime.

columns.Bound(p => p.CreateDate).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss}").Sortable(true).Width(180);


SimonGates picture SimonGates · Oct 1, 2013

Since the dates are created on the client when the response from the server is returned - the dates are always created with an offset according to the timezone of the browser

This will help you: