I'm using MVC3 and have a simple helper that draws a box with some text and icons inside for a status application. A snippet:
@helper Tile(string ID)
<div class="front defaulttile">
<div class="notifybar" id="NotifyBarID" >
<img alt="" src="@Url.Content("~/Images/img.jpg")" style="display: inline; margin-right: 5px;" />
<p class="topstatusbartext" id="NotifyBarTextID" >Status bar text</p>
It would be great to use @Url.Content for the image src, but I get an error it's not available. Is there something I can add or change to use this? I'd rather not need to juggle paths and having a problem once the app is on the server.
Looks like somebody asked the question better than me. Look at this:
In ASP.NET MVC how can I use the Razor @Url.Content() helper from C# code?
You can also use @Href inside an MVC Helper too, like this:
src="@Href("../../Images/trend_up.png")" (whatever path is relative to the cshtml file)
-- or --
The above are for MVC3.
In MVC4, you get this nice shortcut (notice the ~):
<img id="img1" src="~/Images/trend_up.png" />
Thanks to Rick Anderson, Jon Galloway and Eilon Lipton for the help.