ASP.NET MVC vs WebForms: speed and architecture comparison

Sergey picture Sergey · Jun 24, 2009 · Viewed 12.9k times · Source

I had an argument with one of my friends who is an architect at a pretty large internet company. Basically he was saying that ASP.NET MVC is not for large-scale enterprise applications, that it is not as flexible as WebForms, and that an MVC app will be slower than a web forms app.

From my own experience working with MVC, I can say that it is more flexible and it is lighter weight because there is no page life cycle, viewstate, etc.. It should thus load faster at the very least. As far as I know, MVC is designed for medium to large scale traffic.

What do you guys think? Has anyone compared speed and performance? And is ASP.NET MVC better for large scale apps than ASP.NET WebForms?

In short, between these two choices, which would you choose to use for a large scale enterprise application?


Spencer Ruport picture Spencer Ruport · Jun 24, 2009
  • Development Speed: WebForms
  • Performance Speed: MVC
  • Ease of Use: WebForms (Typically)
  • Unit Testing: MVC (Typically)