First it works, but today it failed!
This is how I define the date property:
[Display(Name = "Date")]
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Date of Submission is required.")]
[DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:d}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = true)]
public DateTime TripDate { get; set; }
It has been working in the past. But today, when I call the same ApiController action:
public HttpResponseMessage SaveNewReport(TripLeaderReportInputModel model)
The Firebug reports:
"Property 'TripDate' on type 'Whitewater.ViewModels.Report.TripLeaderReportInputModel'
is invalid. Value-typed properties marked as [Required] must also be marked with
[DataMember(IsRequired=true)] to be recognized as required. Consider attributing the
declaring type with [DataContract] and the property with [DataMember(IsRequired=true)]."
What happened? Isn't those [DataContract]
for WCF
? I am using the REST WebAPI
in MVC4
Can anyone help? please?
There are some similar links I have found.
MvC 4.0 RTM broke us and we don't know how to fix it RSS
--- update again ---
Here is the HTTP Response Header:
Cache-Control no-cache
Connection Close
Content-Length 1846
Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8
Date Thu, 06 Sep 2012 17:48:15 GMT
Expires -1
Pragma no-cache
Server ASP.NET Development Server/
X-AspNet-Version 4.0.30319
Request Header:
Accept */*
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate
Accept-Language en-us,en;q=0.5
Cache-Control no-cache
Connection keep-alive
Content-Length 380
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
Cookie .ASPXAUTH=1FF35BD017B199BE629A2408B2A3DFCD4625F9E75D0C58BBD0D128D18FFDB8DA3CDCB484C80176A74C79BB001A20201C6FB9B566FEE09B1CF1D8EA128A67FCA6ABCE53BB7D80B634A407F9CE2BE436BDE3DCDC2C3E33AAA2B4670A0F04DAD13A57A7ABF600FA80C417B67C53BE3F4D0EACE5EB125BD832037E392D4ED4242CF6
Host localhost:39019
Pragma no-cache
Referer http://localhost:39019/Report/TripLeader
User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0
X-Requested-With XMLHttpRequest
--- update ---
I have found out a makeshift solution. See answer below. If anyone understand why it works or has better solutions, please post your answers. Thank you.
Okay. Though I have not complete understood this thing. A workaround is found.
In Global.asax
v => v is InvalidModelValidatorProvider);
I found it in the Issue Tracker in aspnetwebstack. Here is the link to the page:
If anyone can tell us why it is like this, please post your insight as answers. Thank you.