Structuremap, AutoFac, or Ninject, which one is great for a large scale web app?

agent47 picture agent47 · Oct 25, 2011 · Viewed 24.4k times · Source

I have some experience in working by Structuremap. And now I'm creating a big and large scale web app (really a social networking site) using ASP.NET MVC 3, Entity Framework 4.1 code-first, SqlServer 2008, via C#.NET 4. Which one of Structuremap, AutoFac, and Ninject would you suggest me to use in this case? Performance and easy-of-use is important. Thanks to any help, idea and suggestion.


mdonatas picture mdonatas · Nov 3, 2011

This article has a good summary of most popular IoC frameworks and discusses their performance as well as ease of use. All in all a great read!

& a follow-up at