I'm building a simple web app with Blazor (client-side) and need to get Blazor to re-render the component. Is there way to notify the framework to re-render?
On this Razor page, I have a simple checkbox that shows if the web app is granted a certain permission by user.
always returns True
. When isGranted
field is set to True
, the checkbox isn't rendered and
remains unchecked.
Razor page:
@page "/foo"
@inject IJSRuntime js
<input type="checkbox" disabled @bind="isGranted" /> Some Permission
@code {
bool isGranted;
protected override async Task OnInitAsync() {
await js.InvokeAsync<object>(
public void BarCallback(bool result) {
Console.WriteLine($"BarCallback(result: {result})");
isGranted = result;
protected override bool ShouldRender() {
Console.WriteLine("Blazor is checking for re-rendering...");
return true;
JavaScript function:
window.foo = {
bar: (dotnetObjRef, callback) => {
.then(result => {
dotnetObjRef.invokeMethodAsync(callback, result)
.catch(reason => console.warn('Failed to call .NET method.', reason));
.catch(reason => console.warn('Failed to get permission.', reason));
Output in the Chrome's console:
WASM: Blazor is checking for re-rendering...
WASM: BarCallback(result: True)
.NET Core SDK: 3.0.100-preview6-012264
Blazor Template: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Templates::3.0.0-preview6.19307.2
Usually, you force re-render by calling the StateHasChanged method.
For this app to work, you should place StateHasChanged();
at the end of the BarCallback method...
You should also add the '@' symbol before isGranted like this: @bind="@isGranted"
Hope this helps.