Redirect Login to Controller Action

Vague picture Vague · Jan 23, 2016 · Viewed 8.2k times · Source

Starting with the ASP.NET 5 Web App Template using Individual User Accounts I have managed to get external authentication working with Microsoft accounts. When users click Login they are redirected to ExternalLogin in AccountController like this

<form asp-controller="Account" asp-action="ExternalLogin" method="post" asp-route-returnurl="@ViewData["ReturnUrl"]" class="nav navbar-right">
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-null nav navbar-nav navbar-right" name="provider" value="Microsoft" title="Log in"><span class="fa fa-sign-in"/>&nbsp; Log In</button>

That gets them logged in using thier Microsoft account and all seems to work nicely. But how do I intercept direct attempts to access privileged actions [Authorize] so that the user is redirected to ExternalLogin? Can a default action be set in Startup.cs?

EDIT 1 Attempting to follow the advice of @Yves I have created CustomAutorizationFilter in a Filters folder. It doesn't check for any conditions

public class CustomAutorizationFilter : IAuthorizationFilter
    public void OnAuthorization(Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.Filters.AuthorizationContext context)
        //if (...) // Check you conditions here
            context.Result = new RedirectToActionResult("ExternalLogin", "Account", null);

and have edited ConfigureServices as below

        services.AddMvc(config =>

When I run the app locally it no longer goes to the Home page. It returns a blank http://localhost:52711/Account/ExternalLogin

Obviously there is much I do not understand.

Edit 2: Here is the signature of ExternalLogin

 // POST: /Account/ExternalLogin
    public IActionResult ExternalLogin(string provider, string returnUrl = null)

This is how ExternalLogin comes out of the box in the ASP.Net 5 Web App Template.


Yves picture Yves · Jan 24, 2016

You can register an IAuthorizationFilter or an IActionFilter implementations to accomplish this. In these filters you can check if the request is trying to access a privileged action, if the user is logged in or have enough permission to do it.

If you are using AutorizeAttribute, I suggest you to use AutorizationFilter. If you go with your own custom attributes, then use ActionFilter.

Here is an example:

MVC calls IAuthorizationFilter.OnAuthorization method before every action execution.

public class CustomAuthorizationFilter : IAuthorizationFilter
    public void OnAuthorization(Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.Filters.AuthorizationContext context)
        if (...) // Check you conditions here
            context.Result = new RedirectToActionResult("ExternalLogin", "Account", null);

To register this filter, in Startup.cs edit your ConfigureServices method:

services.AddMvc(config =>
    config.Filters.Add(typeof(CustomAuthorizationFilter ));

Or if you wan to use your own attributes you can use ActionFilter's OnActionExecuting method to check if everything is happening as you wish...