Top "Asp-classic" questions

Active Server Pages (ASP), also known as Classic ASP or ASP Classic, was Microsoft's first server-side script-engine for dynamically-generated web pages.

Classic ASP 3.0 Create Array from a Recordset

I'm trying to fix an ASP Classic app and when I try to create an array from a Recordset Object. …

vbscript asp-classic ado
How to encrypt in VBScript using AES?

I am looking to encrypt some data using Rijndael/AES in VBScript using a specific key and IV value. Are …

asp-classic vbscript aes rijndael rfc2898
"Object required" when using Set in an assignment

call main() sub main() Dim scmd Set scmd = "c:\windows\system32\cscript.exe //nologo c:\s.vbs" createobject("").…

vbscript asp-classic
ASP.NET_SessionId vs .ASPXAUTH why do we need both of them?

Can't we just store in the session if the user is logged in or not and get rid of the .… asp-classic
Server.CreateObject( ) failure with 32 bit Windows and IIS 7

Windows 7 32 bit, IIS 7.5.760016385 I created a DLL in Visual Basic 6.0 and trying to use it from within classic ASP code: …

windows-7 com asp-classic createobject
Return recordset from function in classic ASP

I'm at a loss on how I can return a readable recordset from a function in classic ASP. This is …

function asp-classic adodb recordset
Classic ASP: How to write unicode string data in classic ASP?

How can I show an nvarchar column that stores unicode data (Entered with the zawgyi1 font) in a classic ASP …

unicode asp-classic utf-8
Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes) throws error for large files

I have code that accepts binary data via POST and reads in an array of bytes. For files larger than 200 …

asp-classic vbscript
ASP print out array

I would like to print out the data, for debugging purpose. Data format would be like this cntryCode = resArray("COUNTRYCODE") …

arrays asp-classic debugging associative
Returning early from a function in classic ASP

Is there a way to return early from a function in classic ASP rather than it run the full length …
