Create classic asp project in Visual Studio 2010 from scratch

Jags picture Jags · Feb 26, 2011 · Viewed 44k times · Source

I have always developed on ASP.NET on 2.0 and higher .NET framework. I am trying to create a website in classic ASP from scratch using VS2010 and can't figure out how to do that.



Eduardo Molteni picture Eduardo Molteni · Feb 26, 2011
  1. Create a new folder
  2. Open Visual Studio
  3. Choose "File" -> "Open web site"
  4. Go to the recently created folder
  5. Then right click -> Add New item
  6. Select "HTML File"
  7. Rename the file as .ASP
  8. Create a new web site or virtual directory in IIS and point to the folder
  9. Profit!

(alternatively to 8, you can use the new IIS Express that supports ASP Classic)