Top "Ascii-art" questions

ASCII art is a graphic design technique that uses computers for presentation and consists of pictures pieced together from the printable characters.

How can I display an image in the terminal?

Is there any sort of utility I can use to convert an image to ASCII and then print it in …

image terminal image-conversion ascii-art
Any Java libraries for drawing ASCII tables?

I need to output data into a console as a table. I was wondering maybe there are some java libraries …

java ascii-art
Writing shrugging ASCII emoji ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ in plain text with java

I am developing a java program that writtes output in a text file. When something goes wrong, I must put …

java encoding ascii emoji ascii-art
Java: Ignore escape sequences

For my command-line-interfaces it's often nice to have a little ASCII art in the beginning, but those often contain many …

java escaping backslash ascii-art
7-Segment display with printf and multidimensional array for segments

In K.N Kings "C programming: A modern approach", chapter 10 exercise 7, the task is to make a digit converter from …

c ascii-art
PyInstaller ImportError: No module named 'pyfiglet.fonts'

I'm attempting to use PyInstaller to compile one of the demo scripts for Asciimatics, in hopes to eventually be able …

python-3.x importerror pyinstaller ascii-art figlet
Is there an equivalence table to convert ASCII smileys to Unicode emoji(s)?

I would like to find a table to convert the old school western ascii emoticons :-) into their modern unicode …

web unicode ascii emoticons ascii-art