How to publish artifacts in Travis CI?

eigenein picture eigenein · Sep 10, 2012 · Viewed 29.5k times · Source

I would like to use Travis CI for my open-source project. The issue that Travis doesn't provide any ways to publish produced artifacts (though, they have this in their future plans).

What are workarounds to publish/upload artifacts somewhere? I'm allowed to execute any scripts on a CI machine.

Simple upload will work, but there is security issue: anyone will be able to upload something in the same way as all sources are public.


GitHub releases step-by-step

The method was mentioned at, and is poorly documented at: , so here goes a more detailed step-by-step.

It uploads artifacts to GitHub releases<username>/<repo>/releases which exist for every Git tag you push.

  1. Get a Personal Access Token under

    Only enable "public_repo" access for public repositories, "repo" for private.

    Save the token somewhere as you can only see it once.

  2. Install the travis gem:

    gem install travis
    # See:
    gem update --system

    Then cd into your repository and:

    travis encrypt <api-token>

    but more recently people have reported that travis encrypt -r githubusername/repositoryname --org is needed instead, see:

    This will produce an output like:

    secure: "<encrypted-token>"

    Note down the large encrypted token.

  3. Use a .travis.yml as follows:

      # This command generates a file.
      - make dist
      provider: releases
        secure: "<encrypted-token>"
      file: ''
      skip_cleanup: true

    What happens is that Travis replaces every something: secure: <encrypted-string> with just something: <decrypted-string> as explained at:

    This is safe because only authorized pushes by you can decrypt the string, so if a malicious user tries to make a pull request to get your string, it would should just show the encrypted string.

    Now whenever you push a commit with a tag, Travis will upload to the release:

    git commit -m 1.0
    git tag -m 1.0 1.0
    git push --tags

    If you had already pushed the commit and the tag after, you might have to click the "Restart build" button on the Travis UI for it to upload. has some screenshots of the process.

Alternative method: environment variable

  1. Instead of an encrypted string, we could also use a hidden environment variable.

    On the Travis settings for the repository<me>/<myrepo>/settings create an environment variable:


    and make sure to mark "Display value in build log" as "Off", and use:

    api_key: '$GITHUB_API_KEY'

    While this will not show on logs for pull requests, this method is riskier, as you could my mistake list the environment of a build.

    The upside is that this method is simpler to understand.

A simple example of mine that uploads images generated from Gnuplot to GitHub releases:

Question about GitHub Pages deployment: How to publish to Github Pages from Travis CI?