React re render array whereas item key has not changed

vital picture vital · Jul 28, 2017 · Viewed 6.9k times · Source

Very basic code sample of a list:

class List extends React.Component {
    render() {
        const listComponent = =>
            <Item key={ number.toString() } value={ number } />,

        return (
                <button onClick={ () => this.setState({ test: 1 })}>Re-render list</button>
                { listComponent }

An here is the item:

class Item extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <div>{ this.props.value + ', rendered time:' + new Date().getTime() }</div>

When I click the button, the state is updated so the List component is re-rendered.

However, if my understanding is correct, the items should not be re-rendered since the key item has not changed. But it does re-render since the timestamp is updated.

Can someone explain me why?


Guichi picture Guichi · Jul 28, 2017

Your understanding is completely wrong

The whole purpose of key, is for ordering rather than rendering. Image you have items a,b,c,d and reorder them by switch a and c, i.e. c,b,a,d. Without the key, it is extremely hard for react to figure out how to transform from the old virtual DOM to new virtual DOM.

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