Array as a Class Member

Blackhawk picture Blackhawk · Aug 15, 2014 · Viewed 12.2k times · Source

I'm designing a dynamic buffer for outgoing messages. The data structure takes the form of a queue of nodes that have a Byte Array buffer as a member. Unfortunately in VBA, Arrays cannot be public members of a class.

For example, this is a no-no and will not compile:


Public Buffer() As Byte

You will get the following error: "Constants, fixed-length strings, arrays, user-defined types and Declare statements not allowed as Public members of object modules"

Well, that's fine, I'll just make it a private member with public Property accessors...


Private m_Buffer() As Byte

Public Property Let Buffer(buf() As Byte)
    m_Buffer = buf
End Property

Public Property Get Buffer() As Byte()
    Buffer = m_Buffer
End Property

...and then a few tests in a module to make sure it works:


Public Sub Main()
    Dim buf() As Byte
    ReDim buf(0 To 4)

    buf(0) = 1
    buf(1) = 2
    buf(2) = 3
    buf(3) = 4

    Dim oBuffer As clsTest
    Set oBuffer = New clsTest

    'Test #1, the assignment
    oBuffer.Buffer = buf    'Success!

    'Test #2, get the value of an index in the array
'    Debug.Print oBuffer.Buffer(2)   'Fail
    Debug.Print oBuffer.Buffer()(2)    'Success!  This is from GSerg's comment

    'Test #3, change the value of an index in the array and verify that it is actually modified
    oBuffer.Buffer()(2) = 27
    Debug.Print oBuffer.Buffer()(2)  'Fail, diplays "3" in the immediate window
End Sub

Test #1 works fine, but Test #2 breaks, Buffer is highlighted, and the error message is "Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment"

Test #2 now works! GSerg points out that in order to call the Property Get Buffer() correctly and also refer to a specific index in the buffer, TWO sets of parenthesis are necessary: oBuffer.Buffer()(2)

Test #3 fails - the original value of 3 is printed to the Immediate window. GSerg pointed out in his comment that the Public Property Get Buffer() only returns a copy and not the actual class member array, so modifications are lost.

How can this third issue be resolved make the class member array work as expected?

(I should clarify that the general question is "VBA doesn't allow arrays to be public members of classes. How can I get around this to have an array member of a class that behaves as if it was for all practical purposes including: #1 assigning the array, #2 getting values from the array, #3 assigning values in the array and #4 using the array directly in a call to CopyMemory (#3 and #4 are nearly equivalent)?)"


Blackhawk picture Blackhawk · Oct 29, 2015

So it turns out I needed a little help from OleAut32.dll, specifically the 'VariantCopy' function. This function faithfully makes an exact copy of one Variant to another, including when it is ByRef!


Private Declare Sub VariantCopy Lib "OleAut32" (pvarDest As Any, pvargSrc As Any)

Private m_Buffer() As Byte

Public Property Let Buffer(buf As Variant)
    m_Buffer = buf
End Property

Public Property Get Buffer() As Variant
    Buffer = GetByRefVariant(m_Buffer)
End Property

Private Function GetByRefVariant(ByRef var As Variant) As Variant
    VariantCopy GetByRefVariant, var
End Function

With this new definition, all the tests pass!


Public Sub Main()
    Dim buf() As Byte
    ReDim buf(0 To 4)

    buf(0) = 1
    buf(1) = 2
    buf(2) = 3
    buf(3) = 4

    Dim oBuffer As clsTest
    Set oBuffer = New clsTest

    'Test #1, the assignment
    oBuffer.Buffer = buf    'Success!

    'Test #2, get the value of an index in the array
    Debug.Print oBuffer.Buffer()(2)    'Success!  This is from GSerg's comment on the question

    'Test #3, change the value of an index in the array and verify that it is actually modified
    oBuffer.Buffer()(2) = 27
    Debug.Print oBuffer.Buffer()(2)  'Success! Diplays "27" in the immediate window
End Sub