What is the standard way of looping through the lower dimension of a multidimensional array? With the higher dimension fixed.
In the following example:
automatic int i = 2;
foreach (my_req[i][j]) begin // <-- WARNING
$display("i:%0d,j:%0d", i, j);
I see the warning:
** Warning: testbench.sv(16): (vlog-LRM-2897) Using non-standard foreach loop variable list syntax.
Full code example on EDA Playground: http://www.edaplayground.com/x/nh
You can do this:
$display("Loop through i=2");
automatic int i = 2;
foreach (my_req[,j]) begin // notice the "," before j
$display("i:%0d,j:%0d", i, j);
Working code on EDA Playground: http://www.edaplayground.com/x/2Qn