(I am definitively using wrong terminology in this question, sorry for that - I just don't know the correct way to describe this in R terms...)
I want to create a structure of heterogeneous objects. The dimensions are not necessary rectangular. What I need would be probably called just "array of objects" in other languages like C. By 'object' I mean a structure consisting of different members, i.e. just a list in R - for example:
myObject <- list(title="Uninitialized title", xValues=rep(NA,50), yValues=rep(NA,50))
and now I would like to make 100 such objects, and to be able to address their members by something like
for (i in 1:100) {myObject[i]["xValues"]<-rnorm(50)}
for (i in 1:100) {myObject[i]$xValues<-rnorm(50)}
I would be grateful for any hint about where this thing is described.
Thanks in advance!
are you looking for the name of this mythical beast or just how to do it? :) i could be wrong, but i think you'd just call it a list of lists.. for example:
# create one list object
x <- list( a = 1:3 , b = c( T , F ) , d = mtcars )
# create a second list object
y <- list( a = c( 'hi', 'hello' ) , b = c( T , F ) , d = matrix( 1:4 , 2 , 2 ) )
# store both in a third object
z <- list( x , y )
# access x
z[[ 1 ]]
# access y
z[[ 2 ]]
# access x's 2nd object
z[[ 1 ]][[ 2 ]]