Find maximum value in an array by recursion

Justin Bains picture Justin Bains · Oct 29, 2012 · Viewed 21.1k times · Source
// Find a maximum element in the array.
   findMaxHelper(A, 0, A.length)

findMaxHelper(A, left, right)
   if (left == right - 1) 
      return A[left]
      max1 = findMaxHelper(A, left, (right + left) / 2)
      max2 = findMaxHelper(A, (right + left) / 2, right)

      if (max1 > max2) 
         return max1 
         return max2

I am having a hard time understanding what is happening in this pseudo-code.

Can someone help explain what is happening at each line. I need to understand this code before I can answer the questions.

I know that the function findMax calls the helper function findMaxHelper, then findMaxHelper uses recursion. Other than that, I really don't understand it.


Jainendra picture Jainendra · Oct 29, 2012

You are using Divide and Conquer algorithm for finding the maximum element from the array. First, you are dividing the array into individual elements (divide), then you are comparing the elements (conquer). You are dividing the array using calling findMaxHelper recursively.

The general idea of Divide and conquer is shown in the figure:

enter image description here


enter image description here Here max is same as your findMaxHelper function with two arguments i.e. left and right.

Check this example for more in depth understanding of the concept.