apple service can not create 3 key service with apns

kemdo picture kemdo · Dec 10, 2017 · Viewed 9.4k times · Source

I am new in apple developer. I have problem when create apns key for my app ( there 2 key service before).

Here is my capture screen enter image description here

After a lot of searchs, I still dont know why? I read apple doc that say only using apn key to make ios app can get remote notification. Other key is not working. Please help me know it. Thanks.


VonC picture VonC · Dec 23, 2017

Check your past keys, as mentioned here:

The Key Id and Certificate File is obtained by creating a new key.
Enter a name for the key and select the APNs service.
This key is used for all your apps, so if “You have already reached the maximum allowed number of Keys for this service” look back at your list of your keys for an APNs service key.
When the key is generated, make sure to download and back up the certificate file as it will not be accessible in the future.

Maybe you can check in your list of keys for the APNs service keys, and or try to delete/recreate said keys.