Top "Apple-developer" questions

Setup for: App Store Connect, TestFlight, Distribution, Certificates, Identifiers & Provisioning Profiles CloudKit Dashboard, Advanced App Capabilities

Unable to download Apple Developer keys after initial creation

In my Apple developer account I have created a key for use with APNs across all my apps. On creation …

ios push-notification apple-push-notifications apple-developer
In Xcode, how can I register a device to test on it, without having a paid Apple Developer account?

I am trying to test an app in a real device, using XCode 9. In Xcode > General > "Automatically manage …

ios xcode xcode9 apple-developer apple-id
How do I change provision profile on Xcode?

I logged in to using my apple id then manually created a provisioning profile and downloaded it. …

xcode provisioning-profile apple-developer
How to run flutter app for development on ios device without a paid developer account?

Following flutter's setup instructions, I tried to run the app on my iphone. I got into signing problems. In the …

ios flutter apple-developer
Upgrade Xcode 8.3.1 to Xcode 9

I am not having paid Apple Developer Account and using Xcode 8.3.1, Xcode 9 is released recently and i want to upgrade …

xcode upgrade apple-developer
Why can't I add a new bank account for my App Store Connect?

I'm trying to replace the bank account info for my App Store Connect. However when I go to the Agreements, …

ios apple-developer app-store-connect