Top "Appium-ios" questions

Appium is an open source test automation framework for use with native, React Native, hybrid and mobile web apps.

appium long press and than move element(drag and drop) is not working

I have a scenario to test an IOS app like this: long press on an element. move that element to …

java appium appium-ios
Appium error Xcode couldn't find a provisioning profile matching 'com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner'

I have problem executing automation on real iOS device system configuration: appium 1.6.0 device iPhone 5c (ios 10.1) xCode 8.2 the exception is: […

ios xcode appium appium-ios
Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: "Carthage binary is not found."

Every time i try to start appium desktop with the iOS capabilities i am getting the following error: Unable to …

xcode appium appium-ios appium-desktop
How to scroll with Appium 1.7.1 using TouchAction

I'm having trouble with scrolling down to a certain element in an iOS and Android app. Since the update from …

java appium appium-ios