Top "Appearance" questions

Form is not appearing but its content does

I have this piece of code: <div> <form name='profileForm' id='profileForm' action='' method='get'> &…

html forms appearance
iPhone iOS UILabel how to customize text color for UITableView detail text labels only?

I'm working on an interface prototype and am using a storyboard to do so. Part of the prototype involves setting …

objective-c ios colors uilabel appearance
ASP.NET website looks different when deployed

I have googled around for the answer to this question, but haven't come up with anything. Maybe the search terms … debugging internet-explorer appearance
Radio Button Styling

I want to style radio buttons with pure CSS, no classes or IDs. Just input[type=radio]. I want to …

css input checkbox radio-button appearance
How Do I Handle Windows 7's 125% or 150% Magnification (Delphi)

Windows 7 has added on its Control Panel, Appearance and Personalization, Display setting, an ability to Magnify the text and other …

delphi windows-7 appearance magnification
Android button textAppearance

I can change button text appearance by setting it right within object like this: <Button android:id="@+id/login_…

android button styles appearance
UINavigationBar appearance refresh?

In my iPad app I have an application settings view. One of the options lets the user switch interface color …

uinavigationbar uitabbar uitoolbar appearance
UINavigationBar and new iOS 5+ appearance API - how to supply two background images?

I want to exploit the new iOS 5 appearance API to supply custom background images to all UINavigationBar instances in my …

objective-c ios ios5 uinavigationbar appearance
How can dark mode be detected on macOS 10.14?

In macOS 10.14 users can choose to adopt a system-wide light or dark appearance and I need to adjust some colours …

objective-c macos appearance macos-mojave
Use jquery to make div appear after a user scrolls

I'd like to have a div appear after a user scrolls down on a page, and disappears if they scroll …

jquery html scroll appearance