I am writting an C# app to make use of Linkedin's API.
I want to be able to query "Person" (First Name + Last Name) and retrieve all the possible information about this group of people with the same name
I am currently using my own implementation of the REST API alongside People-Search API calls.
Here's an example of a request that I know works:
I'm running it with: first-name=parameter&last-name=parameter after the ? mark
The problem is, I want to retrieve more information such as Title, Industry, Current-company, current-school etc. Refer here for the list of possible parameters.
This notation is what they call Field Selectors
How do i structure my API Call so i can get all the possible information about someone ?
Here is the url to get everything for a user Profile:
Requires an Oauth2 access token.
Here it is in a nice String list (Java):
+ "/v1/people/~:("
+ "id,"
+ "first-name,"
+ "last-name,"
+ "headline,"
+ "picture-url,"
+ "industry,"
+ "summary,"
+ "specialties,"
+ "positions:("
+ "id,"
+ "title,"
+ "summary,"
+ "start-date,"
+ "end-date,"
+ "is-current,"
+ "company:("
+ "id,"
+ "name,"
+ "type,"
+ "size,"
+ "industry,"
+ "ticker)"
+ "educations:("
+ "id,"
+ "school-name,"
+ "field-of-study,"
+ "start-date,"
+ "end-date,"
+ "degree,"
+ "activities,"
+ "notes),"
+ "associations," /* Full Profile */
+ "interests,"
+ "num-recommenders,"
+ "date-of-birth,"
+ "publications:("
+ "id,"
+ "title,"
+ "publisher:(name),"
+ "authors:(id,name),"
+ "date,"
+ "url,"
+ "summary),"
+ "patents:("
+ "id,"
+ "title,"
+ "summary,"
+ "number,"
+ "status:(id,name),"
+ "office:(name),"
+ "inventors:(id,name),"
+ "date,"
+ "url),"
+ "languages:("
+ "id,"
+ "language:(name),"
+ "proficiency:(level,name)),"
+ "skills:("
+ "id,"
+ "skill:(name)),"
+ "certifications:("
+ "id,"
+ "name,"
+ "authority:(name),"
+ "number,"
+ "start-date,"
+ "end-date),"
+ "courses:("
+ "id,"
+ "name,"
+ "number),"
+ "recommendations-received:("
+ "id,"
+ "recommendation-type,"
+ "recommendation-text,"
+ "recommender),"
+ "honors-awards,"
+ "three-current-positions,"
+ "three-past-positions,"
+ "volunteer"
+ ")"
+ "?oauth2_access_token="+ token;