I am currently trying to configure the Virtual Host (Subdomain) of my Apache HTTP Server so it can be accessed with another computer on my LAN. The current setup of Apache with PHP and MySQL works locally on the same physical machine.
So I have two Virtual Host setup (development and cms) running on a non-default port of 50080. The machine of the server have a IP of From the same physical machine, I can access the two Virtual Host using:
From a different physical machine, I can access the root of the server using:
But I cannot or do not know how to access the Virtual Host from the different machine. I tried something like:
But they do not seem to work.
Here's how my httpd-vhosts
file looks like:
NameVirtualHost *:50080
<VirtualHost *:50080>
DocumentRoot "C:/www/HTTP"
ServerName localhost
<VirtualHost *:50080>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot "C:/www/HTTP/development"
ServerName development.localhost
ErrorLog "logs/development.localhost-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/development.localhost-access.log" common
I read some of the other post here and the Apache forum, but there's not exact case for this.
I was wondering how I can access the Virtual Host (Subdomain) from another machine and keep the same port if possible.
Thanks in advance
Ok, I figured it out, here are the configuration if anyone else is looking for this:
Machine A (Apache HTTP Server): httpd-vhost:
NameVirtualHost *:50080
<VirtualHost *:50080>
DocumentRoot "C:/www/HTTP"
ServerName localhost
ServerAlias alias <!-- Added -->
<VirtualHost *:50080>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot "C:/www/HTTP/development"
ServerName development.localhost
ServerAlias development.phoenix <!-- Added -->
ErrorLog "logs/development.localhost-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/development.localhost-access.log" common
hosts: development.localhost alias development.alias
Machine B (Guest Machine): hosts: alias development.alias
From the second machine, you should be able to access with "alias" and "development.alias"