How do I add virtual hosts the right way while running WHM?

Edward Coyle picture Edward Coyle · Aug 1, 2011 · Viewed 15.9k times · Source

I'm running a dedicated server separating accounts for my clients with WHM and CentOS 5. One of my clients has asked me to install subversion, and have the repository stored beneath the webroot.

  • repo's true folder will be in "/home/theirfolder/svn"
  • repo will be accessed through a subdomain on ""

I know that the regular way to do this is to set up a virtual host in Apache that handles the redirect. The problem is that WHM seems to overtake the whole virtual hosting process, forcing me to bake changes into external files that don't even seem to work for me. When retaining the folder beneath the webroot, I could not get virtual hosting to recognize the path to this folder at all.

The closest I've gotten was instead moving the subversion folder onto the webroot, but even then, my instructions for using Authentication are not followed, so that's not a good solution, security-wise. It also appeared that in this setting pages were being generated by Apache and not by Subversion.

Can anyone here point me in the direction of a tutorial that can guide me through this type of setup, or give me a clear, step-by-step guide on what I need to do? I've tried a lot of things but nothing has really gotten me there. I already have Subversion and all of its dependencies downloaded and installed correctly.

Thanks in advance!


zlovelady picture zlovelady · Aug 23, 2011

One way to accomplish this is to use one of WHM's custom include files, and add your custom <virtualhost> directives there the "regular way". Changes made in these files will survive an automatic rebuild of the Apache configuration files by WHM, while any changes made directly to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf might not.

There are three custom include files that are included by the main httpd.conf at different points. These files (if running Apache 2.x) are located at:

  • /usr/local/apache/conf/includes/pre_virtualhost_2.conf, included before the automatically generated <virtualhost> directives
  • /usr/local/apache/conf/includes/post_virtualhost_2.conf, included after the automatically generated <virtualhost> directives
  • /usr/local/apache/conf/includes/pre_main_2.conf, included at the top of httpd.conf

You can edit these files directly, or via the WHM admin panel (Service Configuration -> Apache Configuration, Include Editor, on WHM 11.30).

I've used post_virtualhost_2.conf to setup additional vhosts for client accounts when WHM/cpanel won't do what I want it to via other configuration methods. Any valid Apache configuration directives can go in the file - it's simply included in its entirety in the main httpd.conf.