IIS and Apache (WAMP) running

chrithccmc picture chrithccmc · Mar 28, 2011 · Viewed 34k times · Source

How can we run IIS 6 and Apache (wamp) in same machine at same time?


ace picture ace · Mar 28, 2011

IIS and Apache should have different port.

To change the port of Apache(WAMP)

  1. Click on WAMP icon that you can see on your tray or other shortcut icons for wamp.
  2. Look for the Apache and open the httpd.conf or if you know where it is stored.
  3. Find the "80" then change

    Listen 80 to Listen 8080

    ServerName localhost:80 to ServerName localhost:8080

    Note: You can change the port which you desired as long as it will not conflict with your other port. It is more safe and common if the port is at this range.

  4. Then click on Restart All Services.

See here for more info.

If you prefer to change your IIS rather Apache, check on this IIS