Login disallowed for security reasons postgresql centos server

overflow picture overflow · Oct 6, 2013 · Viewed 33.5k times · Source

I am configuring my centos server. I installed postgresql and phppgadmin

When i try accessing phppgadmin as my_server_ip/phpPgAdmin

It redirects to login page and when i try to login getting error as

Login disallowed for security reasons

I even change extra_login_security to false and restarted using following commands

/etc/init.d/httpd restart


service postgresql-9.2 restart

Can anyone help me.


Emu picture Emu · Feb 17, 2014

1). Open -> /etc/phppgadmin -> config.inc.php

2). change $conf['extra_login_security'] = true; to $conf['extra_login_security'] = false;

// If extra login security is true, then logins via phpPgAdmin with no // password or certain usernames (pgsql, postgres, root, administrator) // will be denied. Only set this false once you have read the FAQ and // understand how to change PostgreSQL's pg_hba.conf to enable // passworded local connections.