How to configure server to allow large file downloads?

Edgard Gomez Sennovskaya picture Edgard Gomez Sennovskaya · Sep 2, 2012 · Viewed 26.4k times · Source

I can download 1+ Gb files with no problem from my server. Today uploaded 2.3 GB file and discovered that I can't download it, downloading gets interrupted after 1GB and it happens for every user. I tried Firefox 15, latest Chrome, and IE9.

Server: Apache 2.2.22 fcgi eAccelerator CPnginx

How can I resolve this?


David Hancock picture David Hancock · Nov 8, 2013

I think I just faced the same problem, hopefully this might help others.

My server is set up to proxy requests to Apache through Nginx using the ngx_http_proxy_module. The proxy_max_temp_file_size directive of this module defaults to 1024m and is what was causing my problem.

Try adding the line proxy_max_temp_file_size 5120m; within a http, server or location directive in your nginx.conf file and reload nginx's config file with /etc/init.d/nginx reload.