export data in csv using zeppelin

Nipun picture Nipun · Jan 6, 2016 · Viewed 9.7k times · Source

I need to export data in csv format from my %sql interpreter in zeppelin. How can I do so? I need to add a button and on clicking on that it should export the data in csv as shown by the graphs in zeppelin in sql interpreter on the client side.


shakedzy picture shakedzy · May 17, 2016

At the moment, this is not supported (Zeppelin 0.5.6). Still, it seems that this will be added in the next version (0.6.0). You can clone it from the Zeppelin git page, or you can use the next work-around that I'm using:

  1. You'll need the IDs of the notebook and paragraph which you try to export. You can get them by clicking on "Link this paragraph" in the options menu of the paragraph you want to export. When you do that, you'll get a new window. The IDs are in the url of the new window: http://localhost:8080/#/notebook/{Notebook-ID}/paragraph/{Paragraph-ID}?asIframe
  2. Use the Zeppelin Notebook API. Send a HTTP-GET request to http://localhost:8080/api/notebook/{Notebook-ID}/paragraph/{Paragraph-ID}
  3. The response is a json. The field body.result.msg is a string holding the result as TSV (Tab Separated Values). This is pretty much what you need (you can parse it and replace all \t in the string with , to get a CSV file).

A simple code can get you this worked-out in no time.


Here's a Python script which does exactly this. Call getTSV and send it the url of the paragraph you get from clicking "Link this paragraph":

import requests
import json

def parseURL(paragraphUrl):
    url = paragraphUrl.split(":8080")
    address = url[0]
    vals = url[1].split("/")
    notebook = vals[3]
    paragraph = vals[5].split("?")[0]
    return [address, notebook, paragraph]

def getData(address, notebook, paragraph):
    response = requests.get(address + ":8080/api/notebook/" + notebook + "/paragraph/" + paragraph)
    return response.text

def getTSV(paragraphUrl):
    # This function gets the same url that you get from clicking on "Link this paragraph"
    [address, notebook, paragraph] = parseURL(paragraphUrl)
    response = getData(address,notebook,paragraph)
    return json.loads(response)["body"]["result"]["msg"]