Limit Kafka batches size when using Spark Streaming

Samy Dindane picture Samy Dindane · Oct 11, 2016 · Viewed 17.2k times · Source

Is it possible to limit the size of the batches returned by the Kafka consumer for Spark Streaming?

I am asking because the first batch I get has hundred of millions of records and it takes ages to process and checkpoint them.


VladoDemcak picture VladoDemcak · Oct 11, 2016

I think your problem can be solved by Spark Streaming Backpressure.

Check spark.streaming.backpressure.enabled and spark.streaming.backpressure.initialRate.

By default spark.streaming.backpressure.initialRate is not set and spark.streaming.backpressure.enabled is disabled by default so I suppose spark will take as much as he can.

From Apache Spark Kafka configuration


This enables the Spark Streaming to control the receiving rate based on the current batch scheduling delays and processing times so that the system receives only as fast as the system can process. Internally, this dynamically sets the maximum receiving rate of receivers. This rate is upper bounded by the values spark.streaming.receiver.maxRate and spark.streaming.kafka.maxRatePerPartition if they are set (see below).

And since you want to control first batch, or to be more specific - number of messages in first batch, I think you need spark.streaming.backpressure.initialRate


This is the initial maximum receiving rate at which each receiver will receive data for the first batch when the backpressure mechanism is enabled.

This one is good when your Spark job (respectively Spark workers at all) is able to process let say 10000 messages from kafka, but kafka brokers give to your job 100000 messages.

Maybe you will be also interested to check spark.streaming.kafka.maxRatePerPartition and also some research and suggestions for these properties on real example by Jeroen van Wilgenburg on his blog.