Spark job execution time

pranav3688 picture pranav3688 · Apr 30, 2016 · Viewed 15k times · Source

This might be a very simple question. But is there any simple way to measure the execution time of a spark job (submitted using spark-submit)?

It would help us in profiling the spark jobs based on the size of input data.

EDIT : I use http://[driver]:4040 to monitor my jobs, but this Web UI shuts down the moment my job finishes.


Ram Ghadiyaram picture Ram Ghadiyaram · Apr 30, 2016

Every SparkContext launches its own instance of Web UI which is available at

by default (the port can be changed using spark.ui.port ).

It offers pages (tabs) with the following information:

Jobs, Stages, Storage (with RDD size and memory use) Environment, Executors, SQL

This information is available only until the application is running by default.

Tip : You can use the web UI after the application is finished by enabling spark.eventLog.enabled.

Sample web ui where you can see the time as 3.2hours: enter image description here