DataFrame join optimization - Broadcast Hash Join

NNamed picture NNamed · Sep 7, 2015 · Viewed 90.4k times · Source

I am trying to effectively join two DataFrames, one of which is large and the second is a bit smaller.

Is there a way to avoid all this shuffling? I cannot set autoBroadCastJoinThreshold, because it supports only Integers - and the table I am trying to broadcast is slightly bigger than integer number of bytes.

Is there a way to force broadcast ignoring this variable?


Ram Ghadiyaram picture Ram Ghadiyaram · Sep 9, 2016

Broadcast Hash Joins (similar to map side join or map-side combine in Mapreduce) :

In SparkSQL you can see the type of join being performed by calling queryExecution.executedPlan. As with core Spark, if one of the tables is much smaller than the other you may want a broadcast hash join. You can hint to Spark SQL that a given DF should be broadcast for join by calling method broadcast on the DataFrame before joining it

Example: largedataframe.join(broadcast(smalldataframe), "key")

in DWH terms, where largedataframe may be like fact
smalldataframe may be like dimension

As described by my fav book (HPS) pls. see below to have better understanding.. enter image description here

Note : Above broadcast is from import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.broadcast not from SparkContext

Spark also, automatically uses the spark.sql.conf.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold to determine if a table should be broadcast.

Tip : see DataFrame.explain() method

explain(): Unit
Prints the physical plan to the console for debugging purposes.

Is there a way to force broadcast ignoring this variable?

sqlContext.sql("SET spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold = -1")


Another similar out of box note w.r.t. Hive (not spark) : Similar thing can be achieved using hive hint MAPJOIN like below...

Select /*+ MAPJOIN(b) */ a.key, a.value from a join b on a.key = b.key

hive> set;
hive> set
hive> set;
hive> set;
hive> set hive.mapjoin.smalltable.filesize = 30000000; // default 25 mb made it as 30mb

Further Reading : Please refer my article on BHJ, SHJ, SMJ