strsplit issue - Pig

ohana picture ohana · Apr 15, 2011 · Viewed 16.2k times · Source

I have following tuple H1 and I want to strsplit its $0 into tuple.However I always get an error message:



ERROR 1000: Error during parsing. Lexical error at line 1, column 40. Encountered: after : "\";"

Anyone knows what's wrong with the script?


spazm picture spazm · Oct 21, 2011

There is an escaping problem in the pig parsing routines when it encounters this semicolon.

You can use a unicode escape sequence for a semicolon: \u003B. However this must also be slash escaped and put in a single quoted string. Alternatively, you can rewrite the command over multiple lines, as per Neil's answer. In all cases, this must be a single quoted string.

H1 = LOAD 'h1.txt' as (splitme:chararray, name);

A1 = FOREACH H1 GENERATE STRSPLIT(splitme,'\\u003B'); -- OK
B1 = FOREACH H1 GENERATE STRSPLIT(splitme,';');       -- ERROR
C1 = FOREACH H1 GENERATE STRSPLIT(splitme,':');       -- OK
D1 = FOREACH H1 {                                     -- OK
    splitup = STRSPLIT( splitme, ';' );
    GENERATE splitup;

A2 = FOREACH H1 GENERATE STRSPLIT(splitme,"\\u003B"); -- ERROR
B2 = FOREACH H1 GENERATE STRSPLIT(splitme,";");       -- ERROR
C2 = FOREACH H1 GENERATE STRSPLIT(splitme,":");       -- ERROR
D2 = FOREACH H1 {                                     -- ERROR
    splitup = STRSPLIT( splitme, ";" );
    GENERATE splitup;

Dump H1;

Dump A1;

Dump C1;

Dump D1;