Top "Apache-pig" questions

Apache Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled with infrastructure for evaluating these programs.

PIG: ERROR 1000: Error during parsing

I have installed Pig 0.12 in my machine. when I run darwin$ pig grunt> ls /data/ hdfs://Nmame:10001/data/pg20417.…

hadoop apache-pig
Find if a string is present inside another string in Pig

I want to find if a string contains another string in Pig. I found that there is a built-in index …

string apache-pig
Group by multiple fields and output tuple

I have a feed in the following format: Hour Key ID Value 1 K1 001 3 1 K1 002 2 2 K1 005 4 1 K2 002 1 2 K2 003 5 2 K2 004 6 and I …

hadoop apache-pig
Pig Conditional Operators

Consider the below relation test = LOAD 'input' USING PigStorage(',') as (a:chararray, b:chararray); Is there a way …

Error in pig while loading data

I am using ubuntu 12.02 32bit and have installed hadoop2.2.0 and pig 0.12 successfully. Hadoop runs properly on my system. However, whenever …

hadoop apache-pig
How do I store gzipped files using PigStorage in Apache Pig?

Apache Pig v0.7 can read gzipped files with no extra effort on my part, e.g.: MyData = LOAD '/tmp/…

Could not infer COUNT function

I'm trying to write a pig latin script to pull the count of a dataset that I've filtered. Here's the …

Counting elements for each group using Pig

I'm trying to group and count the frequency of terms for each group in PigLatin, but I'm having some troubles …

Generating all fields from an alias after a JOIN in Pig

I would like to perform the equivalent of "keep all a in A where a.field == b.field for some …

hadoop apache-pig
Exception in type casting Chararry to double in PIG

I have a sample input as tab separated key, value pair as follows B_1001@2012-06-15 [email protected] B_1001@2012-06-18 [email protected] B_1002@2012…

hadoop mapreduce apache-pig