Top "Apache-commons-io" questions

Apache Commons IO is a library of utilities to assist with developing IO functionality.

Error : Connection reset (Specific Website only)

Kind Attn Moderators: Before marking this query as duplicate, please note I have checked - Link1, Link2, Link3 & was …

java ssl fileutils apache-commons-io sslexception
Do I need to close the input stream manually after using IOUtils.toString(input) of commons-io?

Commons-IO has an IOUtils.toString(inputStream) method, which can read all content from an input stream: InputStream input = getInputStream(); String …

java io apache-commons-io
Java: list files recursively in subdirectories with Apache commons-IO 2.4

I'm trying to list files with the extension ".xls" in the root directory and its sub-directories, using the following code …

java recursion subdirectory apache-commons-io
IOUtils.copy and IOUtils.copyLarge are very slow

I've implemented a REST service for downloading a moderately large (250 Mb) zip file using IOUtils.copy(), similar to Most effective …

java http inputstream apache-commons-io invalid stored block lengths

I am trying to read a ZipArchiveEntry to String. I have the below code and i run into exception My …

java apache-commons-io apache-commons-compress
Commons-Io Duplicate Entry Error Using Robospice and Android Studio

I've been working on the following issue for several hours, but haven't come up with a way to solve my …

android gradle android-studio robospice apache-commons-io
FileUtils.copyUrlToFile is not working

I have fairly basic question i'm trying to download a PDF from this URL using java:…

java apache-commons-io
Efficiently read file from URL into byte[] in Java

I'm trying to find a more efficient method of reading a file from a remote URL and saving it into …

java file optimization bytearray apache-commons-io
Ant javac classpathref not working?

The javac task in my compile target fails despite the required jars being on the classpath. Could anyone help me …

ant classpath javac apache-commons-io
Apache commons-io FileUtils.deleteDirectory is not working properly

I've a problem with commons-io FileUtils.deleteDirectory(File). I simply call FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File("/tmp/dir")); Directory structure is: …

java io apache-commons-io