Top "Antiforgerytoken" questions

Cryptographic Nonce for anti-CSRF protection

Html.AntiForgeryToken() still required?

Is @Html.AntiForgeryToken() still required in ASP.NET .NET4.6 vNext? The form decorations have changed to <form asp-controller="Account" … antiforgerytoken
Using Antiforgery in ASP.NET Core and got error - the antiforgery token could not be decrypted

My ASP.Net Core MVC application have added Antiforgery middleware like below: startup.cs services.AddMvc(); services.AddSession(); services.AddCaching(); …

c# antiforgerytoken
Using MVC3's AntiForgeryToken in HTTP GET to avoid Javascript CSRF vulnerability

In regards to this Haacked blog, I'm hesitant to implement the proposed anti-JSON GET hijacking solutions since The recommended solutions …

json csrf antiforgerytoken
Problems implementing ValidatingAntiForgeryToken attribute for Web API with MVC 4 RC

I'm making JSON-based AJAX requests and, with MVC controllers have been very grateful to Phil Haack for his Preventing CSRF … antiforgerytoken
Anti forgery token on login page

I have implemented antiforgery token on my login page. Now I had one user pressing back key on the keyboard, …

c# antiforgerytoken
A way of properly handling HttpAntiForgeryException in MVC 4 application

Here is the scenario: I have a login page, when user sign it it is redirected to home application page. …

c# antiforgerytoken
Enable Antiforgery Token with ASP.NET Core and JQuery

I am using JQuery with ASP.NET Core 1.0.1 and I have the Ajax call: $("#send-message").on("submit", function (event) { event.…

jquery ajax antiforgerytoken
Why does HttpAntiForgeryException occur randomly even with a static Machine Key?

We have an ASP.NET MVC 2 (.NET 4) application running on Windows Azure (latest 2.x OS version) with two web role … exception azure antiforgerytoken
How does AntiForgeryToken work

I'm in trying to protect from CSRF and have two scenarious: Doing POST from within another site and it fails …

csrf antiforgerytoken