Top "Ant" questions

Apache Ant (formerly Jakarta Ant) is a declarative, XML-based build tool created originally for Java projects.

How to copy a directory using Ant

I have used copydir to copy a directory tree but it is deprecated. My directory contains some sub-directories, and some …

java ant
Ant path style patterns

What are the rules for Ant path style patterns. The Ant site itself is surprisingly uninformative.

java path ant pattern-matching
How do I set -Dfile.encoding within ant's build.xml?

I've got java source files with iso-8859-1 encoding. When I run ant, I get "warning: unmappable character for encoding …

java ant character-encoding javac
Getting Ant <javac> to recognise a classpath

I have an Apache Ant build file with a <javac> command that requires four specific JARs to be …

java ant classpath
How do I create an EAR file with an ant build including certain files?

I'm using eclipse to build an ear file using ant. I'm using oc4j, and I want to make sure …

java ant jakarta-ee oc4j ear
Do I have a way to check the existence of a directory in Ant (not a file)?

How do I check for the existence of a folder using Ant? We can check the existence of a file, …

scripting ant build
How to execute jar with command line arguments

Possible Duplicate: Passing arguments to JAR which is required by Java Interpreter how to provide command line input to a …

java command-line ant jar executable-jar
How to set an Ant property only if it is unset

I can't figure out how to set an Ant property on the condition that it has not been set (i.…

Getting an error "Could not load definitions from resource net/sf/antcontrib/ It could not be found."

I am getting an error Could not load definitions from resource net/sf/antcontrib/ It could not be …

eclipse ant ant-contrib
How can I import one Gradle script into another?

I have a complex gradle script that wraps up a load of functionality around building and deploying a number of …

java ant groovy build gradle