Top "Anonymous-types" questions

Anonymous types are data types which dynamically add a set of properties into a single object without having to first explicitly define a type

How To Test if a Type is Anonymous?

I have the following method which serialises an object to a HTML tag. I only want to do this though …

c# reflection anonymous-types
The type appears in two structurally incompatible initializations within a single LINQ to Entities query

I'm trying to build something like conditional queries to get only needed data from the underlying database. Currently I have …

c# entity-framework linq-to-entities anonymous-types
What's the equivalent VB.NET syntax for anonymous types in a LINQ statement?

I'm trying to translate some C# LINQ code into VB.NET and am stuck on how to declare an anonymous …

c# .net linq anonymous-types
Anonymous Type vs Dynamic Type

What are the real differences between anonymous type(var) in c# 3.0 and dynamic type(dynamic) that is coming in c# 4.0?

c# .net dynamic anonymous-types
Casting anonymous type to dynamic

I have a function that returns an anonymous type which I want to test in my MVC controller. public JsonResult …

c# .net unit-testing anonymous-types
Merging anonymous types

How can I merge two anonymous types, so that the result contains the properties of both source objects? var source1 = …

c# anonymous-types
Anonymous type and tuple

What is the difference between anonymous type and tuple?

c# c#-4.0 language-features anonymous-types tuples
Why does Enum.GetValues() return names when using "var"?

Can anyone explain this? alt text using System; namespace TestEnum2342394834 { class Program { …

c# enums anonymous-types
Accessing C# Anonymous Type Objects

How do i access objects of an anonymous type outside the scope where its declared? for e.g. void FuncB() { …

c# anonymous-types
Create an anonymous class instance in python

Sometimes i need to create an anonymous class instance in python, just like c#: var o= new {attr1="somehing", attr2=344}; …

python instance anonymous-types