Top "Anonymous-function" questions

Anonymous functions use a block of code as a value, defining it as an inline function without a name.

Anonymous Scala function syntax

I'm learning more about Scala, and I'm having a little trouble understanding the example of anonymous functions in http://www.…

syntax scala anonymous-function
How to use $this in closure in php

I have function like this: class Service { function delete_user($username) { ... $sessions = $this->config->sessions; $this->config-&…

php closures this anonymous-function
Dollar sign before self declaring anonymous function in JavaScript?

What is the difference between these two: $(function () { // do stuff }); AND (function () { // do stuff })();

javascript jquery anonymous-function iife
Break array_walk from anonymous function

Is there a way to stop an array_walk from inside the anonymous function ? Here is some sample code (that …

php anonymous-function
How can I write a generic anonymous method?

Specifically, I want to write this: public Func<IList<T>, T> SelectElement = list => list.First(); …

c# generics anonymous-function
Difference between expression lambda and statement lambda

Is there a difference between expression lambda and statement lambda? If so, what is the difference? Found this question in …

c# linq c#-4.0 lambda anonymous-function
How to pass anonymous functions as parameters in Rust?

I've been playing around with Rust the past week. I can't seem to figure out how to pass a function …

function-pointers anonymous-function rust
What's the difference between closure parameters and the 'use' keyword?

This has got me very confused and I can't seem to find an answer to this question. A clear and …

php closures anonymous-function
Anonymous recursive function in Scala

Is there a way to write an anonymous function that is recursive in Scala? I'm thinking of something like this: ((…

scala recursion anonymous-function
How to do recursion in anonymous fn, without tail recursion

How do I do recursion in an anonymous function, without using tail recursion? For example (from Vanderhart 2010, p 38): (defn power […

clojure functional-programming lisp anonymous-function tail-recursion