Top "Annotation-processing" questions

An annotation processor is a plug-in for the Java compiler.

eclipse java annotation processing

I want to do something using Annotation processing in eclipse jdt. Eclipse jdtapt help tells me I should configure things …

java eclipse eclipse-indigo apt annotation-processing
Maven annotation processing processor not found

I'm new to annotation processing and I'm trying to automating it with Maven. I've put this in my pom.xml: &…

java maven annotations annotation-processing
Code replacement with an annotation processor

I'm trying to write an annotation processor to insert methods and fields on a class... and the documentation is so …

java code-generation annotation-processing
Databinding annotation processor kapt warning

In my app module's build.gradle, I have added dependencies { kapt('') ... } but I'm still receiving …

android kotlin annotation-processing kapt
Annotation Processor - How to get the Class it is processing

I am trying to write a custom Anntoation processor. The annotation processor will process each class file at compile time …

java annotations annotation-processing java-compiler-api
Compilation error for annotations in Java 1.8 and IntelliJ IDEA 14

I was playing with Java annotation processing. Application build fails in IntelliJ IDEA, while a maven build ends successfully. I …

java intellij-idea settings annotation-processing
Get IntelliJ to recognize classes generated by AnnotationProcessor

I'm using a java annotation processor to generates additional classes at compile time. It works fine when building with gradle, …

java intellij-idea gradle annotation-processing
Specifying order of annotation processors

I'm trying to run Dagger 2 as well as Lombok on my Java project. Lombok has to run first, of course, …

java dagger annotation-processing lombok
How do you use Java 1.6 Annotation Processing to perform compile time weaving?

I have created an annotation, applied it to a DTO and written a Java 1.6 style annotationProcessor. I can see how …

java annotations compile-time-weaving annotation-processing
Java Generics: Accessing Generic Type at runtime

I'm looking to access the generic type of a declared field during runtime. I was previously under the impression that …

java generics guice type-erasure annotation-processing