I would like to port this question to Python (Windows + Linux + Mac Os)
How to create ASCII animation in Windows Console application using C#?
Thank you!
I just ported my example with the animated gif to ASCII animation from my answer here to python. You will need to install the pyglet library from here, as python unfortunately has no built-in animated-gif support. Hope you like it :)
import pyglet, sys, os, time
def animgif_to_ASCII_animation(animated_gif_path):
# map greyscale to characters
chars = ('#', '#', '@', '%', '=', '+', '*', ':', '-', '.', ' ')
clear_console = 'clear' if os.name == 'posix' else 'CLS'
# load image
anim = pyglet.image.load_animation(animated_gif_path)
# Step through forever, frame by frame
while True:
for frame in anim.frames:
# Gets a list of luminance ('L') values of the current frame
data = frame.image.get_data('L', frame.image.width)
# Built up the string, by translating luminance values to characters
outstr = ''
for (i, pixel) in enumerate(data):
outstr += chars[(ord(pixel) * (len(chars) - 1)) / 255] + \
('\n' if (i + 1) % frame.image.width == 0 else '')
# Clear the console
# Write the current frame on stdout and sleep
# run the animation based on some animated gif