I have webApi return me a blob file that I have to display. how can I know what type is the blob that I got? It could be anything, pdf, doc, jpeg etc.
$http({ method: 'GET', url: (itemsUrl), responseType: 'arraybuffer' }).then(function mySucces(res) {
var byteArray = res.data;
byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteArray);
var file = new Blob([byteArray], { type: '??????' });
var fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);
or, how can I open blob in a new window without know the file type?
Use response.headers()
to get the content type:
var config = { responseType: 'blob' };
$http.get(itemsUrl, config).then(function onSuccess(response) {
var blob = response.data;
var contentType = response.headers("content-type");
var fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
Consider using 'blob'
as the responseType.
For more information, see MDN XHR responseType.