Angularjs typeahead example is always not working

Jamesjin picture Jamesjin · Jul 12, 2016 · Viewed 14.1k times · Source

I am trying to use a case on angularjs typeahead now, but it is always not working, am I forget to import some js files? please help me out, thank you


 <!doctype html>
<html ng-app="search">

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.min.css">
    <script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script src="bootstrap.min.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="angular.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="ui-bootstrap-tpls-1.3.3.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="app.js"></script>

<body ng-controller="SearchController as search">
        <h4>Static arrays</h4>{{search.states}}
        <pre>Model: {{selected | json}}</pre>
        <input type="text" ng-change="onedit()" ng-model="selected" uib-typeahead="state for state in search.states | filter:$viewValue | limitTo:8">


 (function () {

    var app = angular.module('search', []);

    app.controller('SearchController', ['$window', '$http', function ($window, $http){                     
        var search = this;
        search.states = ['Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Arizona', 'Arkansas', 'California', 'Colorado', 'Connecticut', 'Delaware', 'Florida', 'Georgia', 'Hawaii', 'Idaho', 'Illinois', 'Indiana', 'Iowa', 'Kansas', 'Kentucky', 'Louisiana', 'Maine', 'Maryland', 'Massachusetts', 'Michigan', 'Minnesota', 'Mississippi', 'Missouri', 'Montana', 'Nebraska', 'Nevada', 'New Hampshire', 'New Jersey', 'New Mexico', 'New York', 'North Dakota', 'North Carolina', 'Ohio', 'Oklahoma', 'Oregon', 'Pennsylvania', 'Rhode Island', 'South Carolina', 'South Dakota', 'Tennessee', 'Texas', 'Utah', 'Vermont', 'Virginia', 'Washington', 'West Virginia', 'Wisconsin', 'Wyoming'];


Dilip Dalwadi picture Dilip Dalwadi · Feb 20, 2017

//Define "ui.bootstrap" dependency here

var app = angular.module('search', ['ui.bootstrap']);
app.controller('SearchController', function ($scope){                     

    //  Set your object 
	$scope.objects = [
		{id:1, name : 'Dilip', type :{ title : 'a'}},
		{id:2, name : 'Devendra', type :{ title : 'b'}},
		{id:3, name : 'Jayesh', type :{ title : 'a'}},
		{id:4, name : 'Jekin', type :{ title : 'c'}},
		{id:5, name : 'Gaurang', type :{ title : 'a'}},
		{id:6, name : 'Bhavin', type :{ title : 'e'}},


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="search">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>dynamic form</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src = ""></script>
<script src = ""></script>


<body ng-controller="SearchController">

<!--  in uib-typeahead specify that property / attribute name which you want to display in drop down 

in filter service specify an object with which you want to compare 
for example if you want to compare this object by type then 

filter : { type : $viewValue }

<input type="text" ng-model="selected" uib-typeahead=" for object in objects | filter: {name:$viewValue} | limitTo:8">