I'm exporting some tables to excel, using angular, alasql and xlsx. I'm using it as follows:
var options = {
headers: true,
sheetid: 'users',
columns: [{
columnid: 'a',
title: 'Username'
}, {
columnid: 'b',
title: 'First name'
}, {
columnid: 'c',
title: 'Last name'
alasql('SELECT * INTO XLSX("test.xlsx", ?) FROM ?', [options, $scope.users]);
I was expecting the columnns option to customize my table headers. But it ain't doing it.
Any clue why?
Sometimes you want to use Headers including blank spaces (Separated By) or... using headers that are reserved words (Deleted), in both cases you can use [] like this:
alasql('SELECT firstName AS FirstName, [Deleted] AS [Erased], Separated AS [Separated By] INTO XLSX("test.xlsx", ?) FROM ?', [options, $scope.users]);