How to instantiate a service dynamically?

Vinay K picture Vinay K · Mar 28, 2015 · Viewed 8k times · Source

I have a Utils Service which is very heavy. I Want to use some of the functions defined in it on a particular user action. As this service is heavy I want to instantiate it lazily(on user action).

How do I achieve this?


module.service('Utils', function (dep1, dep2) {
   this.method1 = function () {
      // do something
   // other methods


module.controller('AppCtrl', function ($scope) {
    // I don't want to inject Utils as a dependency.

    $scope.processUserAction = function () {
       // If the service is not instantiated 
       // instantiate it and trigger the methods defined in it. 


<div data-ng-controller="AppCtrl">
    <button data-ng-click="processUserAction()"> Click Me </button>


Reto picture Reto · Mar 28, 2015

You can use $injector service to get services anywhere:$injector. Inject the $injector into your controller, and whenever you need a service use:

This worked fine for me, the service is instantiated only on the $injector call, no error thrown.


    .config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', 'accessLevels', '$translateWtiPartialLoaderProvider',
        function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, accessLevels, $translateWtiPartialLoaderProvider) {
                .state('admin.home', {
                    url: "/home",
                    access: accessLevels.admin,
                    views: {
                        content: {
                            templateUrl: 'admin/home/home.html',
                            controller: 'AdminHomeController'
    .service('UtilsService', function() {
        console.log('utilsSerivce instantiated');
        return {
            call: function() {
                console.log(' called');

    .controller('AdminHomeController', ['$scope', '$rootScope', 'UserService', '$injector',
        function($scope, $rootScope, UserService, $injector) {

console gives me this:

stateChangeStart from:  to: admin.home
stateChangeSuccess from:  to: admin.home
utilsSerivce instantiated called

If you want to delay loading the JS you should have a look at the ocLazyLoad Module: It addresses all sorts of lazy loading use cases and yours sounds like a good fit for it.