Setting view value an input field in a unit test of an angular form directive

nathasm picture nathasm · Oct 15, 2014 · Viewed 30.1k times · Source

I have a directive that builds a form:

app.directive('config', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    scope: {
      data: '='
    template: '<form name="configForm">' +
      '<input type="number" max="10" ng-model="config.item" name="configItem"/>' +
      '<div class="form-error" ng-show="configForm.$error.max">Error</div>' + 
    controller: 'ConfigDirectiveController',

What I want to do is validate via a unit test that the error message will show up given some input. With angular 1.2 I could modify $scope.config.item and it would update the view value and show the error.

As near as I can tell, with angular 1.3, if the model does not pass validation the view value does not get I need to modify the view value to make sure the error message shows up.

How can I get access to the "configItem" input so that I can set the view value to ensure that the error message will show up?

Edited to show unit test

I see that the value is set properly, but the error still has an ng-hide applied to the tag. When I am viewing the page and manually changing the input value, the ng-hide will be removed and the error will display if I enter in something greater than 10.

  beforeEach(inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {
      element = angular.element('<config data="myData"></config>');
      $scope = $rootScope.$new();
      $scope.myData = {};
      element = $compile(element)($scope);

    it('should warn that we have a large number', function() {
      var input = element.find('[name="configItem"]')[0];
      $scope.$apply(function() {
      errors = element.find('[class="form-error ng-binding"]');


Ben Heymink picture Ben Heymink · Oct 15, 2014

Here's how I've been unit testing my input-based directives (Lots of code omitted for clarity!) The important line you are after is:

angular.element(dirElementInput).val('Some text').trigger('input');

Here's the full unit test:

  it('Should show a red cross when invalid', function () {

    dirElement = angular.element('<ng-form name="dummyForm"><my-text-entry ng-model="name"></my-text-entry></ng-form>');


    // Find the input control: 
    var dirElementInput = dirElement.find('input');

    // Set some text!
    angular.element(dirElementInput).val('Some text').trigger('input');

    // Check the outcome is what you expect! (in my case, that a specific class has been applied)