I am using the following code for "ng-class"
<i class="fa" ng-class="fa-sort-up:tableService.sortState.sortBy==id && tableService.sortState.sortMode=='asc',
fa-sort-down:tableService.sortState.sortBy==id && tableService.sortState.sortMode=='desc',
How do I fix this error :
Error: [$parse:syntax] Syntax Error: Token ':' is an unexpected token at column 11 of the expression [fa-sort-up:tableService.sortState.sortBy==id && tableService.sortState.sortMode=='asc',
fa-sort-down:tableService.sortState.sortBy==id && tableService.sortState.sortMode=='desc',
fa-sort:tableService.sortState.sortBy!=id] starting at [:tableService.sortState.sortBy==id && tableService.sortState.sortMode=='asc',
fa-sort-down:tableService.sortState.sortBy==id && tableService.sortState.sortMode=='desc',
ng-class works like this :
<i class="fa" ng-class='{"fa-sortup" : x && y, "fa-b": a && b}'></i>
So, you are missing the curly braces.
p.s. You have to put the class name inside a string "fa-sortup"
if they contain special characters like '-'.